Jars, what works for me sometimes is holding a deep deep breath until I almost pass out, or feel like I will, anyway.
Yeah. In general, people can hold their breath much longer than they think they can - when you get to the point where you really don't think you can hold it any longer, you can generally still go a lot longer....
eta: You could also
something scary, like skydive....
I eat spoonfuls of peanut butter.
Skydiving would be fun, but I'm trying the breath holding thing currently.
The only thing that works for me for endurance style hiccups is eating a spoonful of sugar.
It's gross, but works.
Hiccup cure: Pour a large glass of water. Find a clean washcloth and put it over the top of the glass. Drink all the water through the washcloth without stopping.
My friends insist that it's an "in your head" cure, but I think that since you have to breathe through your nose in between swallows, it regulates your breathing.
eta: because I've lost the ability to write a coherent sentence.
Jars, what works for me sometimes is holding a deep deep breath until I almost pass out, or feel like I will, anyway.
What I do that usually works is the reverse - let out as much air as you can, and hold your breath out. If you hiccup during the process, let as much air out as you can again (the hiccup will cause you to inhale a little). You get to the near-passout point a lot faster (especially if you walk around while holding your breath out).
You could also inhale helium. I have no idea if that'll help hiccups, but maybe when you hear your voice you'll laugh so hard that the hiccups will go away....
Also, you could stand on your head while leaning against a wall. Then have people stack cantelopes on your feet. Be sure to have someone take pictures and post them here.
Oh wait, are we still talking about hiccup cures?
This morning, we have fog. Big fog.
Makes me a) wonder if we will get orb, and b) want to go back to bed.
I've had hiccups for two days. I've tried every trick I know, and none of it's worked. And they're not even regular hiccups, they're like hicBURPS.
Accupressure almost always works: Hold your first three fingers of your right hand flat (and tightly) against the inside of your left wrist (where the veins are showing) for about thirty seconds.
Failing that, try a variation on Ailleann's water trick. Drink a mouthful of water but don't swallow until you lean over forward as far as you can. Swallow (sort-of) upside down. Repeat at least once.
t /Had hiccups all the time as a child.