I have to wonder what dumbass teacher didn’t listen to their teacher’s ed profs.
It's a charter school. Which is part of what makes it so funny to me.
Well, that and the Smurfs.
ETA: Tonight I may clean and take a quick nap while friends see Snakes, and then they might come over to watch some terrible TV. Or I may just nap first and see if I feel like cleaning later, since it's not a definite that they'll come and I'm awfully tired.
This weekend I plan to write a recap, and do laundry, and buy some comics, and do a little work that I brought home. And clean, sigh. I would like to see Snakes at some point but it probably won't happen this weekend.
The weird thing about this is that no one seemed to object to the girl doing the monologue in front of the class, just watching that same monologue in an R-rated movie. Which makes me think that the kids with the parent who objected went home and was all lik e"We saw and R-rated movie!!!!"
That's what I figured, when you told the story. The kids just went home and said, "We saw 'The Jury'," and the parents freaked out.
I have weirdnesses about parental approval in monologue choices, since that is really all I have ever taught to high school kids. They often want to do things that are shocking, and if it is within their range, I am usually fine with it.
Do they usually choose material with which they're already familiar? I mean, I'm not going to get angry at school personnel, if my kid sees or reads something on my time (that is, not on school time) and then chooses it for a school monologue. That's my fault, not the school's.
This weekend I'm pre-sleeping for working the graveyard tech support on Saturday night. I intend to play loud rock music and write fic while waiting for someone in the estimating and contractor industry to need his software supported at 3 AM on a Sunday morning.
My life is soooo exciting. I've been able to spend a fair amount of time this afternoon contemplating whether I should go to TJs tonight and do laundry tomorrow morning, or vice versa.
Still haven't made up my mind either.
Hmm. Wonder if that new TJ's they're building near my office has opened yet...
I have put up my new curtains, and they are very pretty, and providing some much-needed shade.
I have also apparently broken my air-conditioner. I was moving a shelf of DVDs back to where they belonged (I had to move them out of the way), and I stepped on the extension cord. The AC turned itself off, and now I can't get it back on. Grrrrrr.
The AC turned itself off, and now I can't get it back on. Grrrrrr.
Is there a fuse or a breaker somewhere on the unit?
I thought that was the problem, but no, I'd just turned a power strip off. All fixed! Whew! That would not have been a good thing.
I'm probably going to go up a little early, since I will have some of the food with me, and stick around until the end so that I can help clean up. You're welcome to hitch a ride with me, but I'll make you help carry things to the apartment if you do.
I don't mind carrying things. What's the schedule again? I need to see what my relatives have in store for me on Sunday. If I'm not needed, then an extended break would be welcome.
I need to double check with the Zmayhem's, but I'll probably head up there a little after 9:30, and the shower lasts until 2:00.