For a minute, I forgot "armadillo" was an alias, and had a really strange image there for a second.
So you know how a few months back my monitor got fuzzy and they finally gave me a new-to-me one? It's twitching. Or flinching. Something. I'm supposedly getting a flatscreen when the interns depart. But aieeeeee. It's kind of freaky.
Friday Cephalopod -
Octopus cyanea
I like the caption to the picture:
You may be wondering what they're doing. Here's a hint: that's a male below, and a female above. Here's another hint: that's his specialized third arm, the hectocotyl limb. Third hint: it's in her oviduct.
Worksafe, unless your boss reads the captions of the cartoon below the picture and is easily offended by implied cartoon cephalopod sexuality....
Dear lord. I used to have a crush on Andrew Young when I was a wee bairn.
1970s decoration.
from the link:
examples of good decorating from the Practical Encyclopedia of Good Decorating and Home Improvement (1970)
Huh. I guess there
crack in the '70s....
Wal-Mart Public Image Advisor Quits After Criticizing Jews, Koreans, Arabs…
That's just...sad, maybe. I used to like him a lot.
I guess there was crack in the '70s
A couple of good ideas, a couple of "creative" ideas, quite a few "nice for an accent, but not for the whole room" ideas, and far too many "My eyes! My eyes!"
I'd forgotten that 1970 loved color that much.