Friday Cephalopod -
Octopus cyanea
I like the caption to the picture:
You may be wondering what they're doing. Here's a hint: that's a male below, and a female above. Here's another hint: that's his specialized third arm, the hectocotyl limb. Third hint: it's in her oviduct.
Worksafe, unless your boss reads the captions of the cartoon below the picture and is easily offended by implied cartoon cephalopod sexuality....
Dear lord. I used to have a crush on Andrew Young when I was a wee bairn.
1970s decoration.
from the link:
examples of good decorating from the Practical Encyclopedia of Good Decorating and Home Improvement (1970)
Huh. I guess there
crack in the '70s....
Wal-Mart Public Image Advisor Quits After Criticizing Jews, Koreans, Arabs…
That's just...sad, maybe. I used to like him a lot.
I guess there was crack in the '70s
A couple of good ideas, a couple of "creative" ideas, quite a few "nice for an accent, but not for the whole room" ideas, and far too many "My eyes! My eyes!"
I'd forgotten that 1970 loved color that much.
Hey, guys, I have a British grammar question. One of Bob's dissertation advisers, a nitpicky Englishperson, claimed that in Britain you can end a sentence containing a quoted sentence with two full stops, one inside the quotes and one outside. I can't remember seeing anything like this before in anything I've read, and every time I try to construct an example it looks stupid. Can anyone confirm or deny this two-period sentence punctuation?
Note that this adviser was hectoring Bob for
terrible punctuation simply because standard American punctuation is, apparently, stupid. "A little like an American lecturing the French on sauces."
The Tony Award-winning composers of Avenue Q will pen new songs for an upcoming musical episode of the NBC series "Scrubs."
You know what was a pleasant surprise in
last musical episode? The Janitor can really sing well.
Nora, Vox invite sent off!