Oh, I'm so relieved that
wasn't cut from PR because I would so miss the
Kayne and Robert
show. I was very sad to see
Allison gone
but I knew that was going to be the result when they were talking about
how her dress made her model look dumpy.
That is so much worse in fashion than not being able to
move in an
I really thought that
Jeffrey would win -- but I'm very happy that Michael
Oh, and on my way home from work I saw a woman walking her adult standard smooth dachshund and her wee baby mini-smooth pied dachshund and I got to pet the little one. (The other one was all, "we're going on a W.A.L.K., i don't have time to meet and greet the masses," but the puppy was all "woo hoo! Stuff to see! Stuff to smell! New person!!" Adorable.)
PR: Alison being cut was a horrible, horrible injustice. Granted, her dress bit, but it's the ONLY MISSTEP SHE'S MADE THE ENTIRE SHOW, whereas Crazy Vincent (whom I actually like) has been in the bottom three more often than not. Oh, and I can forgive Laura her bitchiness, because she rules.
PR: I think when
Laura gets stressed, she turns into a mommy. But Vincent is not her child and she needs to chill. Speaking of Laura, she got a total pass since half the judges are unaware of her limited design palette. I mean, she was wearing the same freaking design!
Agreed that
Vincent should have been out by now. I think if Alison hadn't done that *unbelievably stupid* hairbow she might still be in. A little surprised that Michael won twice in a row; I didn't think it was appreciably better than Jeffrey's.
Can't believe
Uli didn't win. Her dress was by far the best, and it wasn't a halter with contrasting patterns.
Puppies are so much better than shoes...
That is it, really. I reserve the right to occasionally blurt out a fact.
hey I like shoes, but I gotta agree with gus, puppies are better
Puppies often like shoes.
PR: I always think y'all are white-fonting public relations talk, which seems a little ironic, y'know.
I was so hoping it would be Vincent. I think Alison would have made more interesting clothes later. I liked her original idea. Also, I thought Jeffery's dress was better, though I dislike him. LOVE Laura, mostly 'cause she's honest. She's like my mom if mom had style.
Dachshounds are the awesomest animals ever. 'Specially minis. Ozymandias is not the
dog I've ever owned. But he pretty much rocks.
Pricing SF vacations right now.
Pricing SF vacations right now.
::does the Cabbage Patch and The Running Man::
It won't be until next year, and after Mardi Gras, but still. We've decided we can do it for a long weekend for about $600 a person.
I have excellent wine right now. If it weren't for work I'd stay up all night and drink the case. 2001 Pinot from--- Australia I think.