First I was watching a thing on Einstein on PBS and thinking of Liese Meitner. And then they show a piece on how Meitner got fucked. I am PBS brain.
Earlier today I was reading about Murder One and thought,
whatever happened to D. Benzali?
and he's on the L&O rerun tonight. I am NBC brain.
I have a set of four Wedgewood teacups and saucers from my grandmother! Not in an organized, "I want you to have this" way so much as a died-and-nobody-else-felt-strongly-about-them way. That's why I also have the imari demitasse set, and some nice plates. Not enough of any to make a full dinner service or anything, but, heirlooms are heirlooms.
My mother has taken recently to perusing her jewelry (especially whatever she happens to be wearing) and saying, "You can have this when I'm dead, you know."
Thanks, mom! Don't you know you'll never die?!
Why do you think that, Erin?
Hee, I think it just meshes great with your whole B'more-murder-DemArizona-pastiche twisty self.
I canNOT believe Vincent is still on the show. He is insano boy. So glad Kayne didn't get cut because, let's face it, his dress was horrible. Also, glad Michael won again and Jeffrey's just having to wallow in his bitterness.
I do not want to know what PR is. I stroked the white font, and I am pretty sure it will have something to do with fashion, which will make my head explode.
PR= Project Runway. Reality show for fashion designers. And loads of fun.
I like shoes! A lot! With bows! Pink gingham bows!
Damn, I need a new bra!
And new mascara! Bobbi Brown clumps horribly!
Oh, I'm so relieved that
wasn't cut from PR because I would so miss the
Kayne and Robert
show. I was very sad to see
Allison gone
but I knew that was going to be the result when they were talking about
how her dress made her model look dumpy.
That is so much worse in fashion than not being able to
move in an
I really thought that
Jeffrey would win -- but I'm very happy that Michael
Oh, and on my way home from work I saw a woman walking her adult standard smooth dachshund and her wee baby mini-smooth pied dachshund and I got to pet the little one. (The other one was all, "we're going on a W.A.L.K., i don't have time to meet and greet the masses," but the puppy was all "woo hoo! Stuff to see! Stuff to smell! New person!!" Adorable.)
PR: Alison being cut was a horrible, horrible injustice. Granted, her dress bit, but it's the ONLY MISSTEP SHE'S MADE THE ENTIRE SHOW, whereas Crazy Vincent (whom I actually like) has been in the bottom three more often than not. Oh, and I can forgive Laura her bitchiness, because she rules.