Erinaceous would dispute the concept of a 'real' word, I guarantee.
You people have reminded me that I need to talk to my cousin about my grandmother's china before she dies. Before my grandmother dies, I mean. My grandmother told me that since I'll get my mother's china and my other (older) cousin will get her mother's china (you know theoretically traditionally), she was going to leave her china to my third cousin. But I bet I want it more than she does. I know I want it more than I want my mother's china.
Lessee, is it a "real" word? Nope. I win! It's mine!
t googles "define:mistheope" like a mad thing.
Okay. But I win the argument.
Wait. Crap. What was the argument?
The right word to hate God with.
Nope -- that's the term for "God's hot Japanese soup."
Jesse, maybe ask your cousin if she likes your mother's china better? Of course, this could backfire.
I figure there's enough china to go around, in my family. My older cousin probably has first dibs on my great-grandmother's set, which is the one I want, but I doubt she cares enough to fight for it.
Hee. Seriously, though, here's misotheism: [link]
Jesse, maybe ask your cousin if she likes your mother's china better? Of course, this could backfire.
Heh. I really really have a feeling my cousin will not care a whit about having a set of family china.
Seriously, though, here's misotheism
DAMN de Quincy! He beat me to the etymologistic punch!
I wouldn't. Though I'd be touched by the offer and stuff, somebody who wanted it more could have it.