Jesse, maybe ask your cousin if she likes your mother's china better? Of course, this could backfire.
I figure there's enough china to go around, in my family. My older cousin probably has first dibs on my great-grandmother's set, which is the one I want, but I doubt she cares enough to fight for it.
Hee. Seriously, though, here's misotheism: [link]
Jesse, maybe ask your cousin if she likes your mother's china better? Of course, this could backfire.
Heh. I really really have a feeling my cousin will not care a whit about having a set of family china.
Seriously, though, here's misotheism
DAMN de Quincy! He beat me to the etymologistic punch!
I wouldn't. Though I'd be touched by the offer and stuff, somebody who wanted it more could have it.
de Quincey... we know about him.
This was not the only liberty he took.
t tracks back... what in the HELL was this about, earlier?
I know that one... Confessions of an Opium Eater.
I know too damn much about drugs for a nice suburban crippled girl, you know?
It was about opium?
Damn. I am the Xander here.
I know too damn much about drugs for a nice suburban crippled girl, you know?
Actually, it makes perfect sense.
Actually, it makes perfect sense.
Okay. I'll just hang around with a vacant look on my face. Eventually, a girl will come along, find my face good, and explain it all to me.