Good thing about today: I didn't overcook my steak. Woo!
I don't intentionally try to tan, but I hatehatehate that any tan I get is weird.... driving tan, no tan on my legs, farmer's tan, etc. Never ever seems to be even, and then I feel like I look funny in summer clothes.
Congrats, msbelle! You will be a super mom.
My favorite thing about today was the scale this morning telling me I've lost two pounds since last Thursday.
Heh. Track Changes. Here's how Luddite my company is: they're only now considering switching to software that will let us editors Track Changes. Just two years ago we got the ability to read documents that authors send in with the Track Changes thing going on, and we have to go to a special workstation to access the software. Ask me what we're working in. It ain't Adobe. It ain't Quark. It ain't even Word. Despite all the years of experience I have at this place, I fear no other publishing company would hire me, because I don't know any of that software.
Sunscreen: Mexoryl. Blocks UVB and UVA. Now available in the US, so I don't have to illegally import it from Canada anymore. Very pale, me. Plan to stay that way. I don't know how I look with a tan; I've never had one. When I'm in the sun without sunscreen (rarely) I burn and then it goes away, leaving only the lightest hint of color and a few freckles. It isn't worth it even if I wanted a tan.
Though the combination of birth control pills with the inevitable sun exposure of 43 years on the planet has left me with weird brown freckly pigmentation around my eyes. I can't leave the house without concealer. My dermatologist oddly doesn't seem to consider this an emergency. If I'd known the birth control pills were gonna do that to me, I wouldn't have taken the damn things.
Hey, if redheaded women get more action, maybe I'll keep my hair this color after all. Although so far you wouldn't be able to prove it by me.
I'm a red-headed pale person, so I try my damnedest to simply play vampire. I should wear more sunscreen, but I'm lazy.
Got home about a half hour ago. Just stepped into the bathroom. Apparently, I've had a GIANT FUCKING INKSPOT on my mouth for about an hour and a half...and I must have gotten it before leaving the office, getting on the subway and getting home. No one said a word.
Good things about today: Got into a real good groove with writing. Just a bunch of good raw stuff that I can fiddle with for a while. Leftover Chinese Food. EM wanted this Friday off from her regular schedule so she traded me Tuesday (today), which gives me an unexpected three day break from commuting.
Eating pens again, bon?
Watching Breakfast Club on tv. It's wrong like a wrong thing what they did to the dialog. Dubbing over the swearing is one thing--but the freak-ass phrases they decide to change make me ill. You can't say, "wet dream" on tv? It's not even network--it's WE, so it's basic cable.
Apparently, I've had a GIANT FUCKING INKSPOT on my mouth for about an hour and a half
Quit chewing on your pen, bon. Heh.
Walked Out Of The Cafe Today And Realized My Fly Was Open
x-post with bitches
Did someone offer to email me a sample invoice for billing hours for contract work? I need a good one to send.
Watching Breakfast Club on tv. It's wrong like a wrong thing what they did to the dialog. Dubbing over the swearing is one thing--but the freak-ass phrases they decide to change make me ill. You can't say, "wet dream" on tv? It's not even network--it's WE, so it's basic cable.
Scott won't even watch movies where that's been done to the dialogue. I might possibly watch
Breakfast Club
in a foreign language, or mime, so I'm sort of biased.
Best part of today was glorying in the oracle deck I've been searching for, for six years (sheesh!), that Beverly found for me here. I was going to put off buying it, just content to know where to find it...and that I was not insane in remembering it (after a while of searching, you begin to wonder). But Fela heard me talk about it...and bought it for me! I've been mooning over the incredible illustrations all day.