We Are The World makes sense. I don't get I Am African.
I skipped and skimmed, but isn't the idea here more like "Ich bin ein Berliner!" No one thought that Kennedy was claiming to be German (or a jelly doughnut). They just thought that he was expressing his concern and his kinship with the Berliners in their adversity (or in the adversity of their pastries).
I may dress her as a Clovis Minion. Evil bunny baby!
YES!!! Oh, you have no idea how happy that would make Clovis. And me.
Clearly, we need Isaac pictures!
Yes, we do.
Freaky -- remote-controlled humans!
To investigate how the body's ability to sense head movements can contribute to balance control and guidance control--two critical aspects of bipedal locomotion--the researchers stimulated nerves that normally communicate signals from the so-called semicircular canals, structures that are part of the vestibular system that assists in orientation and balance. The researchers found that artificial stimulation of semiciruclar canal nerves afforded "remote control" that was accurate enough to keep subjects on pathways and avoiding obstacles while walking blindfolded through botanical gardens.
The article doesn't say how the nerves were stimulated. I'm assuming this isn't something that can be done wirelessly without someone's knowledge.
I'm assuming this isn't something that can be done wirelessly without someone's knowledge.
I'm assuming tinfoil will protect you.
I'm assuming this isn't something that can be done wirelessly without someone's knowledge.
Not until Clovis is done with his research.
I'm assuming tinfoil will protect you.
That's what Clovis wants you to believe.
I'm assuming tinfoil will protect you.
That's what Clovis wants you to believe.
Or maybe Clovis wants you to believe that tinfoil hats
protect you, so you won't even bother to try.
Clearly, we need Isaac pictures! How's he doing? How big is he?
He's great, although he has also begun to demonstrate that tough little willful streak I picked up on when he was wee. Now I know what people mean about boys! He understands "No!" as well as his sister did at this age, but when we told her "No" she obeyed. He gives me a rakish smile and runs off!
And he's big. I can't remember his exact length, but he is in the 80th percentile for length, and he weighs 23 1/2 pounds to Franny's 26 1/2. He's gonna outweigh her by the time he's two.
Also, email coming to you. And to you Jilli, if you want.
Snakes on a Chicago Nightclub
A special party after the premiere of SoaP....
Also, email coming to you. And to you Jilli, if you want.
Yes. I don't know what it might be about, but I'd love email from you.
Or maybe Clovis wants you to believe that tinfoil hats won't protect you, so you won't even bother to try.
Clovis is amused by the notion of tinfoil hats. Of course, I think that's because he's been training his zombie army with candy, and tinfoil hats would just be a larger version of candy wrappers.