So the internet, and computers, and digital recording, and the data compression that makes streaming audio work - they're non-christian. And you cannot combine something non-Christian with something Christian.
If that includes amps, electric guitars and whatnot do they have to take back Stryper?
Wait, if mathematics is non-Christian, how can he justify explaining Christianity using math as his metaphor?
If that includes amps, electric guitars and whatnot do they have to take back Stryper?
Didn't Stryper abandon Christian rock for, um... secular rock? Or am I thinking of some other Christian band?
I only found Joyti because the articles about her arrest mention her mother by name. So weird.
Her name being Joyti couldn't have hurt.
Was St Augustine using the same definition of "mathematician" that I am?
IIRC, "mathematician" and "astrologer" were pretty much interchangeable for a (fairly long) time in Europe. Possibly St. Augustine's time, but I'm fuzzy on when that was.
AND eat one bite from every single donut given to my family upon my grandfather's death.
What the hell? Sophia, how do you meet these people?
Me: "Emmett, do you want some pie?"
Emmett: "Pie! Apple, please."
Me: "Do you want a big slice or a little slice?"
Emmett: "I like big pie and I cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny."
::hands him slice::
Emmett: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It's like....a quarter of the pie.
Me: "It is exactly a quarter of the pie."
Emmett: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh."
Aimee, what's an OBC?
I think I'm going to have to save that big pie line and use it later.
My ten year HS reunion will be next year. I don't know if I'm going to go or not. Like Strega, most of the people I hung with were in other grades. Maybe I'll crash the one in '08 and confuse everyone.