Happy Birthday, Epic!!
And a verra Happy Anniversary to Daniel and Andi!!
So sorry to hear about both low-level grinding suckage and anxiety inducing catastrophic foundation fallage. Although, pr0n contractor names help keep it from being a total loss. It doesn't help that the deli here at work was advertising pulled pork as their special and I read it as "pulled porn" at first. I really wanted to try some of that.
IOfireN, we've been cleaning all morning. Wiping off shelves, mopping, segregating usable from unusable parts, making lists of same, generally running around like chickens with our heads cut off. We may or may not be able to actually get back to work sometime today. Oy. As long as they don't cancel yoga tonight, I'll be fine.
c) keep up with the laundry/dishes (no dishwasher)/dog hair,
In a most remarkable confluence, the dog has recently started accidentally switching on the Roomba. (She likes to stand on things, I don't know.) So, turns out she's taking care of some of the dog hair problem her own self.
Now if I could just get her to do something about the laundry.
Now if I could just get her to do something about the laundry.
Then she would be the best. dog. ever.
Happy Birthday, Epic!
Here's wishing Daniel and Windsparrow another wonderful year together!
Healing ~ma for Dallas!
Here's wishing Daniel and Windsparrow another wonderful year together!
t quotes latest
Thanks everyone! I hope Andi and I can get at least one day off together in celebration next week. OTOH? The week of the holiday would work as the official living-together stage, so it's all good. :)
Newsflash: Dora Band-Aids are extremely sticktastic. As in, I just had to cut one out of Sara's hair.
This is not a good indication of how the rest of this day is going to go, is it? Especially since Stephen drove off this morning with Sara's car seat...
Amy, don't worry about the carseat. If you need to go anywhere, just stick Sara to the roof of the car with Dora Band-Aids.
Happy birthday, EpicTangent!!!!
Congrats on your first year together-in-one-place, Daniel and WindSparrow!
But you can't pretend to be a dragon with just vinegar, can you?
Of course not, you also need baking soda.
Or am I confusing volcanos and dragons again?
Hey, if I'm in thrall to June do I get some pink leather pants? Not that I could wear them right now because June is rather warm for leather wearing...maybe I'll arrange to be in thrall to, say, November.
Hope everyone's varying levels of grinding suckage stop sucking so much, or at least do not get worse.
I'm going to pick up my grandmother's vanity today. Yay!
June often is lame.
I say, as one who was born in the month.
And belateds to Askye and the rest of you who I am spacing on.
Can someone remove my throat for me? It's being a pain in, well, the neck.