Cindy, Yup. I did. I was hard pressed whether I wanted to see Logan smack Gia or dance with Veronica. I like how it turned out. Also, knowing what I do about the ending, Woody checking out Logan's biceps squicked me big time.
I just hope asshead cuts me a check immediately. So I don't have to deal with him anymore.
Have you ever just turned your head and had your shoulder and neck muscles just seize up on you? If not - let me just say - OUCH. This is not cool.
oh, yes. and as you rub your shoulder, you think WTF??
Yes. I hate it. It's usually a sign that I'm stressed and need a professional massage.
Oh, that does suck. And with me, the muscle/nerve that runs up the side of my neck and on to my head usually seizes up at the same time. Joy.
What I hate is it's one of those pains that seems to linger. The initial OUCH is one thing, but then it keeps going owie, owie, and owie over and over for a couple of days.
Just called and booked a deep tissue massage for 4:30 - now to just make it through the next 4 hours.
Ouch! Yes, I know exactly how that feels, Suzi. Take an anti-inflammatory right now.
IO (me me meeee)N: My boss finally managed to persuade the PTB that there is waaaaay more work on our team than a single editor can handle; I'm getting a minion! The only thing that freaks me out about getting a minion is the notion that *I* might be the person the contractor/minion reports to. I've never really managed other people at work before. But still! Minion!
YAY for Minions. Boo for pinched necks.