My sister is an actress in Portland. Her company's signature play is Tao Soup based on Ursula K LeGuin's translation of Lao Tzu and the Barefoot Doctor's writings and some otehr stuff. A while back, Ms. LeGuin's agent or publicist or someone saw a write up of the play and called up to say the woman herself would like to see it sometime. They said, sure, let us know, etc. Time passed. Last week my sister gets an e-mail:
Hi Mel
Sorry for the short notice, but can I get tickets for this Friday?
So they're apparently on a first-name basis.
Epilogue: Ursula apparently loved it. Yay.
Oh, those penguin pic are begging to be icons.
Classic penguin dance:
Lemur and Penguin dance:
-t, I totally agree. I should make the first one I posted say "Dance like no one's watching."
Debet suggested that the lemur and penguin icon should read "slightly disturbing". Hee!
-t, I totally agree. I should make the first one I posted say "Dance like no one's watching."
As opposed to my motto, "Dance like it hurts".
Debet suggested that the lemur and penguin icon should read "slightly disturbing". Hee!
I think it should read "This is your lemur. This is your lemur on millipedes."
Ok, the fact that I found this under an image search for "penguin" is unfortunate.
Work safe-ish. Not porn, but an even better candidate for the "slightly disturbing" title.
I have these translucent plastic penguins that sit on a mirror and look decorative. I also have a wee penguin that is mean to hang from a pull chain on a ceiling fan or whatnot. I have no such hanging chains right now, so the wee penguin is sitting on the mirror, also. It looks like a penguin appealing to his spirit ancestors.