It didn't help that they let me into to see her while she was still coming out of anesthesia, and that was about the scariest thing I've ever seen. She was awake, but not seeing, making noise but not talking, and moving in random ways. It was VERY distressing.
I swear, that is one of the worst things ever--seeing someone you love that out of it.
DH doesn't deal well with anesthesia and when he had his wisdom teeth out, he started to get violent coming out of it. They called me back into the room to try to calm him down and I was nearly in tears by the time he became coherent.
Invisible roommates are often the best kind.
And ones that don't mind sharing their Oreos are also good.
Did they at least give a reason why?
Only that some of my numbers weren't right. Although I picked up from the last meeting that they were pressed for time and may not want to take the time for me to get oriented. Not that I don't feel strung along here--I think if they wanted to, they could take the time to get me where I could produce for them and it would be a benefit to them. But whatever. It's their loss. I'm going to bill them at a higher rate since I'll have to pay taxes on this money, though. My prices as an contractor are higher than if I was an employee.
One thing with anesthesia recovery, my husband never remembers the recovery room, even if he's been having lucid conversations with me and the doctor. It's very weird.
When I had my back surgery, I went from (1) being in the OR, with the anesthesiologist telling me he was about to increase the anesthesia; to (2) a brief moment of being aware of being in the recovery room and wondering why I was lying on my back; to (3) suddenly being aware that I was in my hospital room, with the bed propped up to sitting position, and I was mid-conversation with my parents, who had turned the TV to "Jaws."
Very surreal -- both the regaining full awareness mid-conversation, AND the fact that "Jaws" was practically the first thing I saw after being sliced open. (When I asked why it was on, Mom said, "I started watching it in the waiting room, and I wanted to see how it ends." Ah, Mom.)
They called me back into the room to try to calm him down and I was nearly in tears by the time he became coherent.
I've done that. Hubby was fighting the ICU people, sitting up when they thought they had him sufficiently tranked. Once I was able to get a hand on him and he could hear me, though, he calmed right down. They let me stay after that.
Got a callback for a phone interview for one of the jobs I've applied for recently. Whoot! I won't even know which job it is or how much I want it until I get home and check my computer, but, god damn, what a relief to at least get a nibble.
Third time's the charm? The interview for a job I think I really want has been re-re-scheduled to a week from tomorrow.
Cashmere, I'm sorry the job folks got your hopes up and then dicked you around. I hope you can charge them heavily for your time and bother.
It didn't help that they let me into to see her while she was still coming out of anesthesia, and that was about the scariest thing I've ever seen. She was awake, but not seeing, making noise but not talking, and moving in random ways. It was VERY distressing.
Oh, man, that's very rough. I'm lucky (?) in that I was hospitalized so many times as a kid, seeing DH come out of anesthesia was funnier than it was scary -- I'm familiar enough with the sensation myself that I was prepared for the weirdness. (And I was very good and didn't take advantage of his incoherence at all. Much.)
Yeah, I'm so badly in need of love and comfort right now, but the person I want it from is the one in the hospital.
If we can just send some jobma~~ DH's way. yesterday was bad - 100% due to his boss being an asshat. As in other people in the office knew she was being an asshat. the only good thing about her reaction , is that it has put the mistake in perspective for DH. who has a hard time with mistakes , becasue he so rarely makes them.
I have been with DH a couple of times as he has come out of anethesia and he has never remembered any of the experience. I had a much harder time watching my daughter go under anethesia when she was 3. Amazingly I have been there for both kids going under a few more times since then, but that first time gutted me.
I've never been under.
Somehow, I feel like I'm not missing out.
Cindy, insent.