It didn't help that they let me into to see her while she was still coming out of anesthesia, and that was about the scariest thing I've ever seen. She was awake, but not seeing, making noise but not talking, and moving in random ways. It was VERY distressing.
Oh, man, that's very rough. I'm lucky (?) in that I was hospitalized so many times as a kid, seeing DH come out of anesthesia was funnier than it was scary -- I'm familiar enough with the sensation myself that I was prepared for the weirdness. (And I was very good and didn't take advantage of his incoherence at all. Much.)
Yeah, I'm so badly in need of love and comfort right now, but the person I want it from is the one in the hospital.
If we can just send some jobma~~ DH's way. yesterday was bad - 100% due to his boss being an asshat. As in other people in the office knew she was being an asshat. the only good thing about her reaction , is that it has put the mistake in perspective for DH. who has a hard time with mistakes , becasue he so rarely makes them.
I have been with DH a couple of times as he has come out of anethesia and he has never remembered any of the experience. I had a much harder time watching my daughter go under anethesia when she was 3. Amazingly I have been there for both kids going under a few more times since then, but that first time gutted me.
I've never been under.
Somehow, I feel like I'm not missing out.
Cindy, insent.
I agree that you should eat. Food has magical powers of feelbetterness.
My best wishes for S.
Third time's the charm? The interview for a job I think I really want has been re-re-scheduled to a week from tomorrow.
Oh, Calli. I hope you get it, if you still want it after the interview! How are things going? How is your family?
Much jobma to beth's Matt.
It was horrible watching Ben come out of anesthesia. They didn't have to put him too far under for the cystoscopy, so I think I missed (thankfully) a lot of what you all have witnessed. The first thing they wanted him to do was void his bladder (while still in the recovery room), and he was very sore. Still groggy, he was not so much an almost 10-year old, but rather like a 5', 100lb 18 month old. He was throwing himself backwards across the bed, so upset, and so out of it, so scared, and in so much pain.
Much health-ma to S and coping-ma for Sean.
Goodness... where to begin.
Yay for sexy accent having roomies, lisah!
Lots of job ~ma being flung about in all directions to Brenda and Calli and Matt and anyone else that I may have missed.
Cashmere, that sucks that you didn't get the job. Definitely not the right place for you right now, is all I can think. ::kicks asshat::
Is there anything we can do to help? A hotel room closer to the hospital so you don't have to drive so far? Gift certificate for food that doesn't come in a tube? Don't be afraid to say so.
Thirding this. Good call, Sparky.
job ~ma for Calli, brenda & beth's DH! I just had a total bitch session with one of the other people here, and it felt great in the I-am-not-alone-nor-am-I-crazy way.
After my father's bypass surgery, the nurses advised my mother not to come to the hospital while he was on the ventilator as it was too traumatic for people to see their spouse that way -- he'd just look awful and she wouldn't get memory out of her head. My mother was a nurse, so she thought she could handle it. She couldn't, and despite the fact that she didn't take their advice, she thanked them for giving it.
Huh. I thought watching my daughter come out of anesthetic was hilarious, but then she hadn't really been put under. They'd given her this drug that just makes you forget what's happening to you while it's happening. So, when she was in recovery she was pretty lucid, only she could never remember what she said. She asked me three times in about 10 minutes if we could go to Taco Bell on the way home and forgot that she asked each and every time.