that's for DH's boss. Dh made an error. Bizzarly, the client was happy that it was made by DH's co. DH has added new procedure and passed it on to his team , ( because, really, this was a three different places mistake ) , so it will not happen again. DH's boss is still rampageing. Or just did so today - because DH is home. Like he loves being team lead - which means buffer between his guys and the rest of the co, with no power to actually do anything to make anyone happy. I told him to go to her - state yes, error was made. here are the steps I have put into place so it won't happen again. if you have other suggestions of things I need to do to improve the process, I want to hear them. and I told him to do this when he is expecting a phone call. which , since they are still down a person, isn't something he has to really plan. once again @@. I hate empty threats. DH and his team are booked solidly thru sept. They want to put in a new team lead- I can remind them that only one person has lasted more than 18 months in that position - DH . bah.