Speaking of the communists. I was put on the Nuva Ring to get my communists under control. It caused two months of 12-day periods...with severe cramps at least three of those days. I quit it. I know they're gonna yell at me when I go in next (which is Wednesday morning, I might add), but 12-day periods? I don't think so!
How did it get to be 5pm??!
12-day periods? I don't think so!
This I understand. When I have to go off my Synthroid for long periods of time, I have been known to have 2, 12-15 day periods each month. So, basically, I would have one pretty much constantly with maybe a 2-4 day break between them.
I had the cramps from hell and high tide all weekend. Today, all is quiet.
Silly communists.
I was afraid of this. I'm taking S to the hospital again.
Oh, shit. So sorry, Sean.
Oh no, Sean! I hope everything will be okay.
Goddamnit! Universe, LAY OFF MY FRIENDS!
ChiKat, I know that it's necessary, but I always think it's criminal that they deliberately make you go hypothyroid.
Sean, I hope things are okay.
Vibes to S and to Sean, who has clearly taken the mantle of WBB-hood from Robin's now-WBH, and is wearing it with incredible grace.