Wikipedia aside, there's very little actual science that supports this.
Well, that's why I said it was a theory. And then used wikipedia to describe the theory.
Of course a comprehensive study as you describe isn't possible -- but HFCS requiring a different enzymatic process to digest means that it doesn't have the exact same effect as table sugar. The question is HOW different it ultimately is.
{{{Ellie}}} I'm glad she is alright.
Good luck to Em in her new school.
Sorry about the car, Cashmere.
My brain does not seem to be processing information today, and I must get this work done by tomorrow, because it looks like Teacup Guy and I are going away for a few days. Mom wasn't able to rent her timeshare in Cape Cod. Yay, free vacations!
Medical ~ma for your mom, Suzi. Transplant waiting must be hellish.
Sorry about the van, Cashmere. That sucks. Other drivers should not be allowed on the road, if you ask me. Or in the parking lot.
But your average table sugar is higher in fructose than HFCS -- it's just easier to over-consume HFCS because it's such a common additive, and you can put it in things and still label them "No sugar added!"
So even my unsweetened apple juice, which lists its ingredients as: "filtered water, apple juice concentrate" has HFCS in it?
So even my unsweetened apple juice, which lists its ingredients as: "filtered water, apple juice concentrate" has HFCS in it?
If it has HFCS in it, it will list HFCS in the ingredients. If it's not there, it's not in the product.
If it has HFCS in it, it will list HFCS in the ingredients. If it's not there, it's not in the product.
Yeah, it just gets to count as "all natural" since even though it's highly highly highly refined it IS natural. But they still have to list it.
Hey, Cocaine is natural...
GRONK, by the way. I woke up supre early, after getting to bed much later than I wanted, in order to report at Stupid Thrirty this morning to the LA Superior court for jury service. I got it postponed by telling them I really needed to be at home to keep an eye on S, since she's fresh out of the hospital. They were very nice, rescheduled me and sent me home.
Since I drank a bunch of Earl Gray to wake up for the day, now that I'm home I'm very sleepy and exhausted, but too wired to actually lie in one place and nap.
Huh, any time I've seen applesauce listed as "natural" it's like code for unsweetened. If that's changing, I'll have to start paying more atttention.
{{{Sean}}} I meant to send punctuation while S. was in the hospital and I can't remember whether I did or not. I hope she's healing well and getting lots of rest.
Just got home from breakfast with Mom before she catches her plane and heads back to Connecticut. Sad now.