If it has HFCS in it, it will list HFCS in the ingredients. If it's not there, it's not in the product.
Yeah, it just gets to count as "all natural" since even though it's highly highly highly refined it IS natural. But they still have to list it.
Hey, Cocaine is natural...
GRONK, by the way. I woke up supre early, after getting to bed much later than I wanted, in order to report at Stupid Thrirty this morning to the LA Superior court for jury service. I got it postponed by telling them I really needed to be at home to keep an eye on S, since she's fresh out of the hospital. They were very nice, rescheduled me and sent me home.
Since I drank a bunch of Earl Gray to wake up for the day, now that I'm home I'm very sleepy and exhausted, but too wired to actually lie in one place and nap.
Huh, any time I've seen applesauce listed as "natural" it's like code for unsweetened. If that's changing, I'll have to start paying more atttention.
{{{Sean}}} I meant to send punctuation while S. was in the hospital and I can't remember whether I did or not. I hope she's healing well and getting lots of rest.
Just got home from breakfast with Mom before she catches her plane and heads back to Connecticut. Sad now.
The manufacturer of 7-Up is being sued for their "all natural" claim: [link]
So is cyanide.
And asbestos!
Also, arsenic.
Thereby covering the three most common poisons used in whodunits.