Oh man. I'm feeling you Aimee. My online classmates were a revelation in criminal grammar and incredible views. One actually wrote his paper on 'ethics' about 'curing the gays'. Not just gay people in general...but the gays.
I wrote to the prof and expressed my outrage, offering to post a rebuttal but she said she would take care of it. Proving that a vague disclaimer is nobody's friend, she posted some pale thing about 'tolerance', never actually naming the issue. Oy.
eta:Ha, busted my own bad grammar.
t /instant karma
Oh, that's not even the worst of it, let me tell you. If participation wasn't a requirement (meaning I actually have to engage some of these people in coversation), I would be doblerizing most of them.
Suzi - tell me it gets better.
One of the women I was talking about my paper with said that she read some book about the trials of motherhood and that she thought "it must have made the obortion[sic] clinics happy" because "it would make women who were unsure of what to do to have the obortion[sic]" I went off.
Tom, thank you so much for that article. I had no idea.
Where I'm located at a basic 4 bedroom house goes for over 800 thousand dollars
Yeah, my heart just bleeds...
Regardless, illegal immigrants STILL HAVE TO FOLLOW LAWS. Just because a person got away with breaking one law, one time (the whole getting-into-the-country but) really doesn't mean they get a free pass to ignore all the other ones once they're here. Sheesh.
Aaaaah! I know just what you mean!
One, seemingly kind, fellow wrote in response to something I said about being dyslexic. He wanted to know what kind of tools I use because his son is similarly 'afflicted' and, since I seemed smart, he was hoping I could advise. I did the best I could, researching and looking things up. Mostly because I don't really use tools. When I was growing up, dyslexic = stupid and one just got on with it. Anyway, in the end, he asked me, in all earnest I guess, if perhaps I was touched by Satan. He seemed to think his son was. "But we'll do our best for him because he sprang from our loins."
I wish I was kidding.
"Maybe your loins were touched by Satan. SATAN! SATAN IN NEW PLACES!"
I think I'd rather have my loins touched by Satan than by God.
That's a really interesting article. I didn't know that either.
many middle class families cannot afford to purchase one, but many are being sold to illegal immigrants because they will put up to 30 people in a house and are not held to the laws as citizens would be
What gets me here is her assumption, as Jessica pointed out, that they're not held to the same laws legal residents are, but that the more people you put in a house apparently means better odds that the mortgage will be paid.
Trudy, Dallas will be finefinefine. I decree it.
touched by Satan
This? Would be a WAY better show than Touched by an Angel.