Bug, can't you bitchslap Not!Emily and get the rent? WTF? What a jerk.
In happier news, I woke up at 7:30 today! I can't believe how accommodating my body is being this last week before I have to go back to school. It's great, but kinda bizarre, since my sleep schedule has been FUBAR this summer.
I have court at 11 today, and my plan for the rest of today is to clean the kitchen and the bathroom and do a load of laundry.
BIG fun. But I have this burnig need for my place to be cleancleanclean before the beginning of the schoolyear starts.
Some people do spring cleaning -- I do back-to-school cleaning.
I can't wait for this living situation nightmare to be over for you.
It just needs to be said again.
Go you, Erin! I've been awake early (after actually sleeping!) two days in a row. It's ... different.
Weird, innit, Cass?
I'm up, have a glass of iced coffee in my gullet, and have already completed some grammar lesssons.
Gronk. Didn't sleep very well last night, even here at home, where both S and I figured I'd sleep better. Will be heading out to the hospital soon. May nap on and off there.
Can I request a littl job~ma for Teacup Guy? It seems the job he really wants and really deserves has finally gotten around to calling his references,which they asked for a couple of weeks ago. Now he is just waiting to hear back from them.
askye, the best I could find is this, and it's not really clip art.
~~~ma for Teacup Guy, and anyone else who needs it (like Sean K and S).
Back to scanning barcoded books. Whee.
Guys -- LJ gone boom?
Oh, on thrush -- if the med doesn't work, as they sometimes don't, ask the ped about gentian violet. It stains like a bitch, which is why modern pediatricians don't recommend it, but it WORKS. If you don't mind purple nipples and baby, it works fast.
Guys -- LJ gone boom?
I'm not having any trouble with it.
Weird, innit, Cass?
Freaky. And, of course, there is Breaking News. Breaking News leaves me feeling unable to stop watching coverage for some quackaloon reason. Guess I will make coffee and settle into the internets for a bit. Maybe I can multitask and get some laundry done and folded up.
LJ was just working for me but I was just reading. Haven't tried anything more.