I have been pretty busy ever since waking up.
vw, please to share the initiative! I have work and school stuff I could be doing, but instead I'm nattering and posting photos of myself. Doh!
You guys! I have my stats final tonight and then I'm DONE! I don't start at UCLA until the end of September! I'm so excited that I'm using 2 exclamation points at the end of this one!!
vw, please to share the initiative!
::sending through the wireless::
Hurray for a good sonogram!
Good luck on the final GC, and enjoy being DONE! Incidentally, not linebackery.
Advice needed.
I've decided to cancel phone and DSL at the old apartment as of today. There will be a forwarding message to my new number for 90 days. Do I need to let old landlord know that I have a new number? I really don't want to...
After 90 days, what could she need to call you about? I say don't worry about it.
Well, no. I'm more worried about the next 20 days, or so. Will she be upset that I cancelled that phone line and didn't tell her?
I just worry that if I tell her, she's gonna be all, "Oh. So, you moved out? Ok. We're gonna go in and paint." And I'm being a mean bitch and don't want her in the apartment since they made us pay the full month's rent.
extra ma~~ for reasonableness , Bev.
{{Sean and S}}
yay good sonogram!
and I know where you are with the money thing P-C - I hate when large bits of money disapear when I want them . Even if it is for something I like. It sets off a panic response in me ... which really isn't nessicary, and very slowly I am overcomming it.
Will she be upset that I cancelled that phone line and didn't tell her?
It's none of her business. If she needs to reach you, she'll get the forwarding message, and she'll reach you - no big deal. I don't see any reason for you to contact her more than you need to, frankly.
Oh, good grief. I'm freecycling my boxes and packing material. Someone just e-mailed and asked for the measurements of the boxes. Yeah, 'cause I'm gonna measure all the misc boxes I have. Right. Do you want the freaking boxes or not?
What -t said, vw. If she questions you, tell her that you haven't moved out but decided to save the money and use your cell phone for the rest of the month as your primary line. And then tell her I said, "PFFFFT!"
eta: vw, measure the largest and the smallest and estimate how many you've got.