Is it a very shiny bracelet?
Did you go to the website? There are pictures. There are all sorts of varieties. I opt for the more boring ones myself because, really, the shiny both itches and falls off in the shower after a day anyway.
It's fun to wear as many as possible, though. You have to keep them on for about a month, until
It should be noted that I actually really like the ceremony and think it's very sweet. I'm just having a very spendy month, what with outings planned for the next two weekends and a move in three weeks that requires me to finally buy my own monitor and then a lot of furniture.
Also, I hate being told exactly how much to give because that means I
to give that amount.
Gift-giving occasions often make me grumbly. Especially since I'll (probably) never have a wedding or a baby. I think "single" non-parents should be able to have a big shindig and collect on all the swag that they've had to give over the years. What could we call it?
ETA: I don't mind wedding or baby gifts for friends or relatives. It's the fucking work ones that drive me insane. First, there are so many of them. Second, I don't usually like them well enough (or at all) to want to give a thing, but if you don't you look like an ass. Drives me craxy.
Also, when you're ovulating, you're unclean, so stay out of the temple.
Ovulating not menses? I've never heard of the ovulating thing.
{{Bev}} You and StE remain in my thoughts and prayers. I'm confident that he feels all the loving support and is working hard at coming back to you. It sounds like he is progressing well. Yay for no surgery.
Health ~ma to S and calm ~ma to Sean.
Happy Birthday Empress!!! Have a royal day.
Sorry about the ick expense Nora. Cars suck.
No, sorry, I meant menses.
It led to some awkward moments in high school when my mom was passing out some
for good luck before a competition, and she took the girls away for a little talk, and then one of them stood away from the others, and I was all, "Here, have some," and she shook her head, and I was confused, and then maybe I got it.
Also, when you get married, you take not only your husband's last name but also his first name as your middle name, because the patrilineage is the only thing that matters.
So, I'd become Stephanie Sunil Spectral-Bovine?
That's....even more claustrophobia-inducing (to me) than the Western tradition of taking your husband's name. Yeesh.
Though I'd have a cool monogram.
This made me laugh because I have a friend named Prasad and my first thought was, "Jeebus, Marny, and Jacob..she's trying to marry him off, too???
I'm getting girly on your asses!!
Third day in a row I have worn a dress to work.
Shirt: [link] Boobies! Now with ruffles! [link] Flats: [link]
Verdict: Linebacker?
Not at all. Gorgeous girl, is what.