Just found out that the AC fix will be about $500. There was no consultation on ordering the TWO FUCKING HUNDRED DOLLAR PART, no explanation of what this was costing us the FOUR times we brought this in, no approval given to charge us ~$500. What the fucking fuck?
Also, the car has turned 100K miles, and shit's going to start breaking like nobody's business (it's a Ford Escort) and so we have a lovely $500 AC fix and we will probably use it for 6 weeks and the chances are good that we might even have another car next summer! ARGH! Fucking fuck. I hate throwing money away. FUCK.
sj! Nice to see you this morning. I have work to do, tell me to go do it.
{{Nora}}} I'm sorry.
Oh, I meant to say, YAY TO SEE THE WONDERFUL DEENA! BUt my cursing got in the way. It didn't seem right to put your name in the same post as all that bitterness...
Hee! I dunno, gotta take the good with the bad my gran always used to say. (I'm lying, I can't recall who used to say that, though she did have some pithy sayings, usually also completely politically incorrect, except for the one about snot on a glass doorknob, that one was just gross.)
That's a bummer, Nora. But you'd need that A/C fixed sometime, right? And nothing's gone wrong on the car, yet. I understand the frustration and the worry, but if you're going to worry about it now will you be able to not worry aout it later?
Have I mentioned that I love the name Pookah? Because I do. Pookah Pookah Pookah! Sit, Pookah, sit - good dog. Fun to say.
sj! Nice to see you this morning. I have work to do, tell me to go do it.
I would say stay and play with us, but I actually have to go call my therapist. He is going to do a phone session with me so I don't have to kill anyone this week.
{{{Nora}}} I think car repair people should have to eat the cost when they don't call first to see if you want repairs done.
Happy Birthday Aimee!
That is good news about StE. That is much faster than are friend C. I'm hopeful.
ans the only thing I can say Nora is that it will make the car more resellable. but if you need meto smack someone , I will.
Nora! I can't believe that they did the job without consulting you!
Because I would so do w/o the AC - of course, I am a carless woman who lives in an apartment w/o AC.
Oh, it's the car A/C? I tak back some of my pollyannaness - for some reason I was thinking it was the house A/C and the car issue was separate. My bad.