Happiest of Birthdays Empress Aimee!
Timelies. It's very good to hear that StE is moving and breathing and responding to things.
JZ, I hope the 3 weeks goes by quickly and peacefully; boringly for the halloweenie, but more fun for you.
We had pancakes for dinner last night. I let Kara choose.
Happy birthday, Empress! May it be frabjous!
So good to see Bev's font, and with goodish news. That sounds like progress, keep-getting-better~ma for StE.
Mmm, pancakes. That sounds good.
Loved the photo of Toto under the table. Currently, Pookah's favorite spot seems to be jumping in the childrens' faces. Today they've decided they're afraid of him. I'll take them out and run them all around the back yard in a bit and that will help settle them all down.
Just found out that the AC fix will be about $500. There was no consultation on ordering the TWO FUCKING HUNDRED DOLLAR PART, no explanation of what this was costing us the FOUR times we brought this in, no approval given to charge us ~$500. What the fucking fuck?
Also, the car has turned 100K miles, and shit's going to start breaking like nobody's business (it's a Ford Escort) and so we have a lovely $500 AC fix and we will probably use it for 6 weeks and the chances are good that we might even have another car next summer! ARGH! Fucking fuck. I hate throwing money away. FUCK.
sj! Nice to see you this morning. I have work to do, tell me to go do it.
{{Nora}}} I'm sorry.
Oh, I meant to say, YAY TO SEE THE WONDERFUL DEENA! BUt my cursing got in the way. It didn't seem right to put your name in the same post as all that bitterness...
Hee! I dunno, gotta take the good with the bad my gran always used to say. (I'm lying, I can't recall who used to say that, though she did have some pithy sayings, usually also completely politically incorrect, except for the one about snot on a glass doorknob, that one was just gross.)