Yay for Meara being released from jury hell!
You used to be able to get out of it fairly easily - turn up saying "I love cops! Cops always tell the truth! I've been a victim of crime!"
I said all those things before I was chosen for the only jury I was ever on. Apparently the prosecution had a slot for a cop-loving crime victim. Also, the defense was busy trying to rule out anyone who had been a victim of domestic violence or who was related to a victim, which turned out to be a depressingly large percentage of the jury pool. It was indeed a wrenching domestic violence case, but at least it only took four days.
sj, put your number on the Do Not Call registry. It stopped 99.9% of our telemarketing calls.
I did this last week; I am hoping it just hasn't kicked in yet.
We have a telezapper. It makes an obnoxious noise, and foils autodialers and most computer spiels. There's one or two, though, that get through. They're designed for message machines, and they just power right on through the whole presentation. I have to sprint for the phone now, pick up and hang up to avoid recording two minutes of 'buy our stuff'.
Deena makes wonderful art. Anybody who hasn't, take a look at my LJ page. Tis to die for gorgeous. Also? Icons to match. I was going for the PotCII theme, but she deftly presented me with Craftsman wallpaper friezes and old maps, instead. Pretty!
I, too, can vouch for Deena's art. I need to get a paid LJ so I can show off more of it, but I'm too dang cheap.
Fucking work. Why for the love of all things holy would you develop a process, train all of your employees on said process, roll it out to teams that you support, and then immediately not follow it???? Hates... Why do I always end up on the support end of this shit? Why? Why???? It's tempting to just start sucking, you know? Plenty of people who suck manage to keep being promoted and all that crap. I wanna learn to be one of them. Grrr
Employers are making it easier and easier.
We just acquired a new property in Houston.
One of the main tenants?
Too much to choose from. PoTC, of course. Can't go wrong with the pretty boys and sailing ships and crossbones and all. Arrr. I like: trees, lavender, Tarot and celestial, botany, kitties, Halloween, old maps, pulp novel covers and plenty of other stuff too. I totally love everything you ever made for anybody. What do you have for Green Man stuff?
I am making Jilli's Rose Cordial right now and it smells heavenly.
Damn, we are quite the chatty...
I am back to powerskim the past few days.
To catch da Bitches up on the Life du Cass: Happy, fun, busy. Pictures to be posted later.
Hiked a lave tube, hung with lovely people, dad now in town, racing vroomss tomorrow. Need Advil. And nap.
Also fire pretty. But we knew that, yes?