GC, what else is good there?
I got Silk & Cyanide (sweet, almondy scent with lots of oatmeal scrubby bits), Decadence (boozy vanilla), Indiscreet (fresh citrus), and 1 other that I forget... The almond and vanilla are super strong scent-wise, which is a little much when you first open them, but are wonderful in the shower. I'm impressed. Scintillating (chocolatey mint) was a sample and I so wish I'd bought a bar. It's my favorite. They also have scrubs but I haven't tried them. Yet. I also got a sample of Absinthe, which is a basic soap scent. Nice but you can get that in the grocery, you know?
If you're ever in Seattle, we should totally hit Bliss Soaps, which is like a flashback to Lush five years ago. (And staffed by adorable gayboys.)
I'm totally in!
Heh, and now I'm flashing back on SNL and Kyle McLaughlin as KD Lang.
That was the most consistently funny episode ever!
Oh man, this has got to be some kind of error, but while all the weather sites (Weather.com, National Weather Service, AcuWeather) for Boston say it's still in 90s, the ones for Salem (technically Beverly) are all saying around 78.
Life has messed with me enough that I'm not sure enough to be a believer or an atheist.
I think agnosticism, in the sense that God=unknowable, might be the most understandable way to look at the world. I mean I'm not agnositc, but even so, I know that I know there's a God for most meanings of the word
but if (or since) there's a God, if that God is a God, that God isn't going to be entirely knowable to those of us who aren't gods.
(Ya know?)
That was the most consistently funny episode ever!
Oh lord it was. Sprockets and Germany's most disturbing home videos, the Twin Peaks parody, and on and on - I think that's one of the last episodes I watched from beginning to end without changing the station (or wanting to if I was with other people).
I've been following along in Natter, just because it's interesting to see so many different view points and to see them presented without rancor. I, personally, have no believe in a specific god responsible for setting events in motion, but I do believe there are a hell of a lot of things out there that we don't have, and may never have, any explanation for. And, that, I like. I like knowing that there will always be a little bit of mystery in the universe. I mean, if there wasn't, how would we ever be able to write any form of sci-fi or other speculative fiction? What happens once we do know it all? Sounds kind of boring to me.
Kyle McLaughlin as KD Lang.
I was at the absolute peak of my lifelong kd lang love when this aired, and it was so. damn. perfect. (and somehow didn't piss me off at all, as most such things always do.)
Sprockets and Germany's most disturbing home videos, the Twin Peaks parody, and on and on
And lest we forget,
if it's nae Scottish, it's CRRRAP!
Somebody please kick my ass. I am being completely useless today. I have so much to do and it is so hot and sticky here. I am still upset about all the car stuff and I am desperately fighting the urge to crawl under the bed and hide. The only reason I haven't done that yet is because of Dave.