Felicitations on the Anniversary of your Wedding Day, Miracleborns! And many, many happy returns of the day.
Go Nora! They shall tremble and fall before your well-documented and implacably presented case, not to mention your anger, which they have more than earned by their asshatted ways!
Go Cashmere! How can he not be impressed with your mad skills?
Car-ma to sj. May it be small, quickly fixable, and inexpensive.
Lee, ebay standard seems to be that the seller have email from the winner within three days of auction end, and unless other arrangements are made, payment within ten days. Email and see if your buyer is aware s/he's won, and set a deadline for payment.
connie, this sort of weather has been playing havoc with the plants and furniture on our deck the last year or two. The house was built with a breezeway between the house and garage, and sited to catch the prevailing breeze. If the wind is moving, it funnels through the breezeway. Our deck is built on top of the breezeway, so it catches the same wind. We've always had a bit of wind in a thunderstorm, but last year, and even worse this spring, we get sudden microbursts that blow through, play havoc with the furniture, and then go away. I guess we should be happy it hasn't been worse. Freaky.
Yeah, global warming and climate change is just a theory of the cult of environmentalism. Right.
Sending all sorts of ma for Trudy and the boy.
In other news, I have the Fairytale Tarot deck--each card is a representation of a fairy tale. The five year old and I have fun going through it and telling each other the stories we know, and while he's away, I'm looking up the ones I don't know, so we can tell those too. Yes, I'm corrupting him with tarot.