Those aren't very 80s, at least I don't remember them then. Ankle grannies, yeah. But what I remember most is the high-top sneakers in pastels, and flats or heels to show off the leggings.
Also very 80s would be a square-shouldered, ass-length jacket over leggings, with no shirt under the jacket. A shoulder-duster earring in only one ear.
I had totally forgotten but at my middle school for awhile it was all the rage to wear blue lip gloss made from mixing clear lip goss with blue eye shadow. I have no idea how it got started but all the cool girls had blue lips.
Also very 80s would be a square-shouldered, ass-length jacket over leggings, with no shirt under the jacket.
Also with the sleeves rolled up.
Also with the sleeves rolled up.
I loved this part. Sleeves are usually an inch or two too short on me, so the rolled up fashion worked great for me.
Ok. No luck finding a black blazer that will cover my ass on eBay. Must to be trying the thrift shops.
A shoulder-duster earring in only one ear.
I miss those. I know, I know, but still. I really liked them.
Other Things I Miss: free time, a work day without an emergency or stress, sleep, and my sanity.
Also very 80s would be a square-shouldered, ass-length jacket over leggings, with no shirt under the jacket. A shoulder-duster earring in only one ear.
Christ, the contents of my entire 80's wardrobe in only two sentences. I still had some of those jackets in my closet up until last year. Not that I'd worn them in hella long time, but they were still there. And the shoulder-duster earrings, I was addicted to feathers in primary colors.