Gronklies. Em is home today. Had to have Joe come home from work since I am but a lowly temp for now and have no sick days and we can't afford for me to lose a day of work. I hate the bi-polarness that accompanies children's colds. "I'm happy! Let's play! PLAY PLAY PLAY!...Maybe not so much play...nope, not feeling the play anymore...I'm cranky! I'm bored! I know, I'll be a brat! BRAT BRAT BRAT!! TANTRUM TANTRUM TANTRUM!!! SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM!!...Oooh, nap. That sounds good. NAP NAP NAP!!!"
Hey! It's like you're having my day! Although my mother is spotting Paul during the afternoon so he can go to a meetin'.
Plei, sorry you are having my day.
Those leggings with that dress. 80's-tastic!
I had an espirit outfit I loved beyond the telling. It was the only bits of name brand clothing I owned, which reinforced the love. The outfit was white capri pants with neon paint brush strokes at random places with a matching short sleeve shirt/jacket (with velcro) and a tank top. Which I wore with jelly shoes.
Aimée, what are you doing for shoes? because neon Converse-style hightops would be perfect too! (We never actually wore the Converse-brand ones. We got the $7 versions from Woolworth's. The bobos hightops as it were)
I was thinking of these: [link] since I already own them.
Those aren't very 80s, at least I don't remember them then. Ankle grannies, yeah. But what I remember most is the high-top sneakers in pastels, and flats or heels to show off the leggings.
Also very 80s would be a square-shouldered, ass-length jacket over leggings, with no shirt under the jacket. A shoulder-duster earring in only one ear.