Cass, we will br driving home through Portland, but the big question is when and if we will have time to stop. Those are both big unknowns right now.
Suzi, I am (literally) a micron off of the 5 about 10 miles south of downtown. Consider a stop for gas, soda, food, whatever at least...
When are you heading home from Seattle? [eta: Do you have an idea of day? Or day-ish? My schedule can totally flex so it doesn't much matter.]
Head feels like grossly biological lava lamp. I suspect this is far more amusing given the fuzzy brain.
I am watching a fun race from Europe (GP2 in support of F1) but I keep having to go back and rewatch. It could take hours and hours to finish this. Ima need a nap and a shot of coffee later on. After I nap pre-coffee, that is.
[eta2: Trudy, want F1 on your race tape from this weekend as well? I can put it on after the Champ Cars. I think. There should be room. I think. Well, no drugged, so not thinking. But maybe. In a pondering way. I should just post my edit now or cancel and shut the hell up. One of them.]
Aimée, I love those shoes! And that dress! Hmm, maybe for Halloween...
{{Cass}} Sorry for the gross lava. May the good drugs do their thing so you can play with the fun people visiting your area.
argh. I am SO angry about something SO stupid. So I'm angry about the thing I'm angry about and angry at myself for being angry about it. I am now totally unable to focus on the case study analysis I have to do today.
Lava-relief to Cass.
Sorry about the anger and the stupid, Nora. May equilibrium find you soon.
why do books multiply in my house as I put them away? but I think I need a ghost buster...
"'Cause no human would stack books like that."
Aren't new bookshelves awesome, beth? And scary? Because they so quickly filled, and there are still more books...
Cash, O's still a handsome devil. But I suggest Christopher step AWAY from the hairstyling for a while. Like, forever.
::nodding and pointing to what Plei said::
Hooray for Emily having arrived safely.
Biopsy-ma like whoa to Raq. And also, those kids' clothes designs are gorgeous!
The dress is fricken fabulous, Aimee, but the shoes look hurty.
I skimmed, sorry. Anybody needing encouragement or sympathy, birthday wishes or congratulations that I missed, please consider yourself appropriately ma~ed.
We had a freak wind gust on the leading edge of a storm the other night. Went like this:
distant rumble of thunder.
patter of raindrops
Three of us had sprinted for the deck at the patter of the first raindrops. None of us made it before the whump. The patio umbrella was gone, into the darkness, and the curvy iron plant stand had tipped over, smashing my favorite pot, medallioned, rope-edged, deeply antiqued, and marooning the pink hibiscus with its rootball exposed to the elements. The umbrella made it 40 feet or more, over or past the cherry and holly trees to land under the white pine. The tippy mechanism lock seems to be broken, but it still goes up and down, so it's back in the table weight now. The hibiscus got a new pot, and the iron stand is awaiting a new spot where it won't be as prone to tip. I haven't thrown the pot fragments away yet. I'm thinking of glueing it back together and using it as a cachepot. Failing that, some of the broken bits will be nicely architectural, strewn about here and tucked in there.
And I am unreasonably excited about all the Other Humans in my house going to see a motorcycle show today, and leaving me alone for awhile. Oh-- I'm sorry, did I say that out loud?
Ah, enjoy the peace and solitude Beverly. Yikes, that sounds like a nasty bit of storm.
{{Nora}} Sorry about the stupid distracting anger. Bad anger! Go away and let Nora concentrate! Maybe give it some chocolate to melt it away?
Nora-- when I used to get mad at my self for stuff like getting mad over nothing, my therapist told me not to waste time judging my feelings. Feelings can't be controlled--if they could be controlled they'd be,. well, rational thoughts. She said I should acknowledge the feeling-- "I'm furious" and take a minute or two to just feel it, and then let it simmer as I went about my business. This may not work for you, but the energy I spent fighting or trying to repress my feelings kept me from doing my work, and I found once I gave myself permission to actually feel them, no matter how petty or irrational, they no longer distracted or exhausted me as much.
That Robin's going to get a reputation for being wise.
Robin = teh smrt.
Plie, Jilli, and Kristin - we have practice games at Brannan field until about 2pm. Then I think we are free, if anyone wants to meet up.
Call me when it's done--we can arrange meeting up!