Chiming in a little late, Aimee, but the most important thing in an open reseaarch paper is to find out something YOU wanted to know. Kristin covered what KIND of question to start with for your thesis -- now you need to decide WHAT question you want to investigate.
Brainstorm. Write down EVERYTHING you can think of. Take about5 minutes.Then pick the three most interesting topic, and brainstorm or word web each individually. Then you can select the final topic you like the most, or think you can write the best paper on.
And your prof is making you do it 5 days into class so she'll be able to ok the theses, offer suggestion,and so you'll have enough time to start your research and make certain your research angle is viable.
Emily and I have had Chinese food, and Colbert, and Stewart, and Numb3rs, and now we have Gimlets and the British Coupling.
I can think of many worse ways to spend an evening.
That certainly does not suck.
I got walloped by allergies a couple of hours ago. That? Most certainly sucks. And sniffles. And snorts. I bet I snore tonight. Poor kitties...
I've been taking Claritin and it actually seemed to be helping this time (tried it last year in San Diego and nsm, but new allergies so it was worth a try) but I stopped being so religious about taking it.
Have redrugged and hope to wrench control of my sinuses back by tomorrow. Wow I had forgotten the sinus headache that comes with. Time to put on mindless tv and be willing to sleep on the couch.
I have two cats staring under the stove. There was a moth. And it was bugging me so I pointed it out to Kittenish who promptly became The Bug Slayer and whomped it out of the air. Two smacks later and - whoops - she batted the former moth under the stove. So they are watching now.
Ick. I am whiny when I don't feel good.
To put it in perspective, while I do feel horrible at this moment, I know it is sinuses so it is really just the equivilant of a flesh wound. A stuffy, snot-filled flesh wound.
Feel better. I'm glad the Claratin is working,
eta: pfft.
Sometimes flesh wounds hurt like whoa. Sinus stuff is that kind of flesh wound.
So a neighbor had a house concert - a cello player. amzing , awsome. and to quote a 4 yr old in th audience - who spoke up loud enough for everyone to hear " you did really good on that song" . Typoboy - he is up in your area. go listen .
and just because I can't escpe from my books. ...I have been keeping my family up to date on the book moving
my sister J: Why not just move rocks instead?
me:Rocks don't have a place. books do. It is just a matter of finding the right place. But it has moved from science to zen.
It is just a matter of finding the right place. But it has moved from science to zen.
Organizing my bookshelves is like that. It makes me so happy once the books tell me where they should live. Took more than one rearranging after moving but I am rather pleased with the results here.