I'm really sorry I missed all the well-wishing. Thank you, everybody! Also, apparently the heat wave was exactly the right time to move, since I spent all the time in the car anyway and got here after it went away (I'm wearing jeans and long sleeves for the first time in many a week).
Emily, what did Park City do to you? On behalf of my state of residence--I still resist calling Utah "home"--I apologize.
Oh, it was just confusing with the hills and stuff and I couldn't get back on the freeway. Muy annoying.
I feel like a slug. Am still very tired after being out late for wonderful dinner and unloading book boxes into very generously donated bedroom, then getting up early to return van (and have pancakes!). Sniff. It was a good van, and I'll miss it. Went online to look at job postings and requirements for getting California certification (craziness!), got depressed and went to take a nap. The trip was arduous but very very fun, and so much like a vacation that I didn't get homesick at all until I got here, when it kind of hit me all at once.
Anyway. Bay area is lovely, people are wonderful, Lee's cats are fluffy and delightful, and I am a big old slug.
But this way, I can be a slug with you!
just took pictures of the chaos.
good thing there were leftovers from last night,I kept forgetting to eat. but no lovely steak salad. I just gnawed on a hunk of tritip. off to a house concert now. hoping for chocolate.
Emily, if it makes you feel better, you are down right industrious compared to my day. I've picked up the house, but not cleaned it. And this is bad because I have some people coming over tomorrow. Ah, it'll happen. Eventually.
Ah, but I have to find a job, a car, and a place to live within the next month. So I am proportionately more slug-like, even if in absolute terms it would seem otherwise.
Also, procrastinating. You see that?
I am a librarian
OK, this is worse than I thought.
I love you beth. Really. You are just perfect.
Welcome to the wild, wild West, Emily!
IO(shallow)N, I am sitting in the back deck, in a just-out-of-the-dryerclean sarong, typing on the laptop with a glass of lemonade, letting my hair air-dry.
That's not shallow, Erin. That's heavenly.
Oh, sorry. I stole all the nap.
I got some of the nap as well. It actually sucked up quite a bit of the day. It did come with interesting and strange dreams though so at least I accomplished amusing myself. Not that it was on the list, but I am rationalizing here.
Don't cry, Mommy. It will grow back.
What a cute little boo...
Emily, you know how much I love watching you post. But you've got your job to find, your living arrangements to arrange, your car to buy, and Guilder to frame for it. You're swamped.