Sounds like a good ceremony, Tep. Esp. the geese.
Way to go Aimee!
Suzi, I am so impressed with ho well you are able to juggle work and school and softball and not killing people who violate the sacred "Driver's Choice" law of roadtrip music. You are incredible.
What the hell am I going to write this research paper on? I have abolutely NO IDEAS.
Oh, suela. I'm sorry for you and the Beast, but you did right by him, and that's the best you can do. It's been many years since I had to do that (aside to Lucy: and it'll be many many more, hear that?), but it's so, so tough.
What's the assignment, Aims?
Holy shit, I almost forgot it was Roller Derby night!
7p.m., Kezar Pavilion, across from our apartment. Emmett's been asking when the Roller Derby was coming back since he was 3.
We split our games in Alameda. Morning game we were just flat and lifeless. Nobody was hitting. I've never seen our lineup like that. Finally we rallied in the sixth, but it was too late and we lost 5-3. Emmett pitched two and gave up two runs, but they weren't hitting him really. He walked a couple and they scampered around on passed balls and scored on an error. He also got plunked, which left a nice bruise on his left bicep.
Second game we woke up and kicked booty. Won 10-0 and it was called on the slaughter rule in the fourth. Which was great - we were done with both games before 1pm. Also, Alameda is our closest tournament, so we were back home by 1:45.
I'm drinking a martini now, JZ is napping and Emmett's watching Nickelodeon. More games tomorrow.
2000-2500 word research paper.
Heh, roller derby.
Any topic.
Which is making it that much harder.
And why do I have to pick FIVE DAYS into my class? Jeebus.
I can't fall asleep. My nap is a no-go.
I'm out-of-sorts and hungry and my kitchen is like that swamp of filth thing from the David Bowie movie y'all have been talking about, so I don't really want to go in there and try to cook. And I just called The Boy and *he's* napping, because apparently the entire rest of the world except ME can nap.