I should be writing student evals. My goal is three more today, then four tomorrow, and I'll be done. And I know that once I just sit down and write these things, I can do them in about 20 minutes each. It's the getting the motivation to sit down and write them part that's taking a while.
I just downloaded the soundtrack to Company and made a rule that I can only listen to it while writing. I'll see if this helps.
I thought I packed a ton of clothes, my suitcase feels like I packed a ton of clothes, and yet "I have nothing to wear".
I am backing up our iPod's onto my laptop thanks to Tommyrot and Gris (love the Buffista tech thread). It is slow going, but it works!!!
Once that is done, I have to get back on homework and work-work. DH is taking K-Bugto her practice today. Not sure if CJ is going with them or hanging with me.
Our hotel has the THINEST fold-out bed mattress EVAH. I felt EVERY coil last night (DH and CJ had the bed, K-Bug and I had the foldout). Tonight, the couch is staying folded with DH on the couch, K-Bug and I are taking the bed and CJ is sleeping on the floor.
Where ya goin? Barcelona.
Putting Books in the bookcase - very slowly....
while watching
Objects in Space
- which maes me want to Watch
but I just loaned that to someone
congradulations Aimee!
I am sure at the very least we have doubled our storage space for books. Why do I feel that I will not have enough space left to make an empty bookcase or two?
Thanks for all the congrats, my lovelies! It feels good to have done well.
I am bored at work and trying to resist the temptation of buying a candy bar. I signed up on FitDay.com and am trying to really restrict my calories and get my protein and fiber up. And as soon as money settles into place, I am joining the gym again. I want to lost 50 lbs.
So, yeah.
I need some entertainment.
I need Teppy as my Seekrit Santee this year, as I just found the perfect Tepgift at my favorite local store.
A semi-colon made out of chocolate and porn?
ION, funeral and related activities are now over. I had to get up at 7 a.m. for a very long day that included the visitation before the funeral Mass, then the aforementioned Mass, the cemetery ceremony -- it was a complete surprise to me when we arrived at the cemetery and the VFW contingent was there for the full military send-off, including a 21-gun salute and a bugler playing Taps, which is about when I got all weepy -- and then food food and more food afterward.
My grandparents' cemetery plots are very close to a pond that's part of the cemetery's land, and in the middle of the ceremony a flock of Canada geese flew in low over our heads and landed in the pond. I said to my cousin, "Who needs the Blue Angels when you've got geese?"
I suspect that my granddad actually had a hand in the geese flying over when they did. (As it turns out, the whole family thought the same thing.)
The bagpiper was a nice touch, and made the people who weren't already sniffly from the military ceremony get all weepy.
Cindy, you asked what Scripture reading I was doing -- it was Romans 14:7-12. I love the book of Romans, but that particular passage isn't one that I would have chosen for a funeral, but it wasn't up to me.
I am going to take a long long nap.
I just ran around quickly closing every window in the apartment because the rain and the wind started up so quickly and so loudly that for a second I thought someone was trying to break into our apartment.
Teppy, I'm so sorry about your grandpa.
Suela, I had to put my kitty Solomon to sleep two years ago.
It's hard to say good-bye to anyone, even if you know it's for the best.
IO(shallow)N, I am sitting in the back deck, in a just-out-of-the-dryerclean sarong, typing on the laptop with a glass of lemonade, letting my hair air-dry.
I watched Elektra, hadbagel with c. cheese and lox and had a shower with one of those "rain" showerheads.
I'm getting PAID to do this!!!
Please explain why filling bookshelves means scattering books everywhere