It's annoying, and sometimes dangerous -- but truth be told if *I* had diplomatic plates I'd likely indulge in some eccentric parking, clipping the odd red-light, more than a little bit of speeding...
See, you don't need dip plates to do this in Athens. In fact, if you don't drive in an annoying and sometimes dangerous manner, you don't get anywhere.
I mean, a woman was struck and killed by a car here last week - while she was walking on the sidewalk.
Raq! Go drive really REALLY fast! Park somewhere absurd! It'll be FUN!!!!
Sadly, we Americans don't get the Can-Do plates here. It was kind of fun to be back in a dip car in Moldova (not to mention the diplomatic lounge at the airport).
JZ, if it will help with the duckbites, I've started to dink with some of those children's designs [link]
ma~~ raq.
Sent piles of paperwork to the EDd , claiming I was not on monkey crack , but I make no claims about my employer. Looking for the nope, you don't owe all that money ma~~
so, there is a rumor that Emily will be in town.
Nuh uh...he feels like a woman. He just doesn't look like one.(or would that be "she"? Not sure....I'm just a dumb white girl from Glendale, you know. Not used to facing this sort of thing. Dag, now I have to be all compassionate with my next staring person. I hate that.)
It's sort of a break for Eddie Izzard that he looks cool in his make-up.
New a/c costs $7000?!
::crosses a/c off the list of house rennovations::
My father never let my mother have any fun with dip plates. In fact, every single parking ticket was fuel for arguments--the Brits used to post a list of the major diplomatic violators of traffic rules, and he would get apoplectic about the mere chance of Jamaica appearing on it.
So much biopsy~ma for Raq.
New a/c costs $7000?!
Unfortunately, yes it does. It depends on the square footage of your place and how good an a/c you want. We went with mid-range and our place is around 1200 sq. feet. We will need some duct work, too (argh) so that added some to it. It came to $6400 for just the a/c being replaced. We had a couple of places quote and they were all around this figure. We just took out a loan to start some remodeling and now we're having to do this first, which is a bummer. But, what are you going to do? You can't live in the SF Valley without air. That would be unpossible.
Raq, huge quantities of good biopsy results ~ma to you, as well as credit card ~ma postdated for about three months from now.