Happy Birthday PMM!
Hope Cass had a lovely birthday and all teh fathers had good Father's Days.
It's very nice to hear of improvements, Gud.
Consume those evil brownies, Cashmere, before they don't get out into the world where they can do real harm!
Happy Birthday Plei!
Cass -- I hope that you had a good day too!
Gud -- I'm glad to read your good news.
Happy Plei Day!
YAY for good Gud news!
I think I'm gonna make on offer on the cutie apartment today. Wheeeeee!
Um...there was other stuff, but I forgot it.
I think my bedroom AC got frozen. How long should I leave it off for to defrost? Anyone have experience with these things?
It's raining here, which is actually a Very Good Thing. It was 90 and humid all weekend.
The bad news -- I just found Sara outside in the driveway, by herself, in the rain. I need a cage. Or valium.
It's not as bad as it could have been, it's about an hour to ninety minutes away from my place.
That's good news.
Things are going better for me. Also, DW increased her AD dosage and that has been a very good move.
More good news!
I think my bedroom AC got frozen. How long should I leave it off for to defrost?
I think that happened to us once, but I don't remember what we did. Just left it off long enough for it to melt, I guess.
Oh, and offer~ma, vw!
Happy birthday, Plei!!
Also, DW increased her AD dosage and that has been a very good move.
Yes, watching two episodes a day is much more effective.
They're both still living in the house, and as told by an in-law today, sharing the same room. It all smells like a disaster waiting to happen, to me.
Oh, yes. That's always fun. Whee. At least I wasn't surprised, though.
Zenkitty, ~ma to you.
Happy Belated Birthday to Cass, and Happy Birthday to Plei! Yay!!!
ZOMG, soooooo tired.