I must have missed a Wally update along the way. She's moving? When? Why? Does she have to?
It's part of her visa conditions, she got approved on a regional development deal. The govt wants to encourage the growth of places other than the big cities, so it's a condition of her permanent residency that she live in Geelong for two years. It's not as bad as it could have been, it's about an hour to ninety minutes away from my place.
She's moving earlier than she planned, because her current housemate is being a real jerk, and has lately taken to leaving listings of rental properties about the place. But it would have happened in a few months anyway.
Happy Plei Day!
Morning, Bitches!
Why do I order the cafeteria breakfast burrito? I *know* it's too much food. I *know* that I'll eat all of it because it is teh yummy. I *know* the result will be me wanting a nap, not getting a nap and instead whining about how full my tummy is.
Is dumb.
Happy Birthday Plei!
Happy one day late Father's day to Hec, Wolfram, Miracleman, and other Buffista father types.
Things are going better for me. Also, DW increased her AD dosage and that has been a very good move.
Happy Birthday, Plei!!
Gud, that is great to hear! I hope you had a nice father's day, too.
happy birthday Plei!
and nice to hear Good news, Gud!
Gud, I'm glad things are better. I hope they continue to improve.
The leftover Father's Day brownies are calling my name. Evil, chocolately things they are.
Many Happy Returns of the Day, Plei!
Apparently the Nausea Fairy is making the rounds this morning.
I am now sitting in the lounge at school, and I should be either 1) Studying for the exam I have at 4, 2) Writing up my paper-thing that's due Wednesday, or 3) finding articles for my literature review due next Tuesday.
Happy Birthday PMM!
Hope Cass had a lovely birthday and all teh fathers had good Father's Days.
It's very nice to hear of improvements, Gud.
Consume those evil brownies, Cashmere, before they don't get out into the world where they can do real harm!