Many happy returns of the day, Cass!
{{{{zenkitty}}}} Much coping ~ma to you and your family.
Couch to 5k plan, huh? Can I take the couch with me?
It seems like someone does this each year with our 4th of July parade. It's probably about the length of a 5k, but
I can totally see how easy it is to get addicted to the painkillers.
It's funny. Except for the getting rid of pain, I hate painkillers. I hate that woozy, out of control, feeling. That said, I could get addicted for a) no pain, and b) to avoid the miserable night coming off them, which I get even if I've only taken them for a few days.
ION, I just got
Greg the Bunny
from Netflix. OMG, I just love that show. It's so funny and interesting and snarky and sweet. Why would they cancel a show like that? Oh, I know. It must be Fox. Bastidges.
Fay, girlfriend,
when you get here please tell us how to say "Insh'allah' because mom's class is heavily Muslim for summer session and they will be astounded.
Funny, I learned from a Yorkshire lass.
And yeah, Cindy. Would love to look England up and down myself. One day.
Game over. I really must force myself into the shower now, Dave is going to be home soon, and I haven't done a thing yet.
Belated Happy Birthday to askye, and Felicitations on the Anniversary of your Natal Day to Cass!
(((sj))) and ((Cash)) and also (((Emmett))) even though E's is largely self-inflicted.
Yay! for JenP, and I know there were other yays, too. As well as commiserations, but my brain is all post-nap logy. I didn't take it, I swear. It leapt upon me unawares.
also (((Emmett))) even though E's is largely self-inflicted.
He's zonked on the couch. Our friends will get here about 3pm and that'll be a good time to get him up, so he's not up all night. JZ's out shopping for a parasol. I'm listening to a Tom Waits bootleg performance of his 1999 concert at the Paramount Theater in Oakland. It's awesome, of course. I'm also reading my old
Love and Rockets
comics. Also made of awesome.
I worked for an hour and a half. Can I stop now? I wanna go home, even with the
soundtrack playing on my computer.
Unfortunately, I'm supposed to be cleaning my office. It is more organized, but it kind of looks like a hurricane hit.
libkitty, thanks, and, I also dislike painkillers and all sorts of opiate relaxants. I hate the fumble-mouth dizziness, and I always get a hangover. Flexeril was one of the worst. I can understand how people can get addicted to Valium, though. I like that stuff. If I had to get addicted, I'd pick that.
OK, I have wasted away most of the day (it helps that I have only been up for six hours) and really need to get my ass in gear, as I have clothing that needs to be laundered for a performance tonight, and my performance partner coming in three hours. Urp. Motivation, where are you??
This thread is really, really not aptly named.
Was there ever any doubt? I mean, for anything other than spoilers, pron, and ahemming?