also (((Emmett))) even though E's is largely self-inflicted.
He's zonked on the couch. Our friends will get here about 3pm and that'll be a good time to get him up, so he's not up all night. JZ's out shopping for a parasol. I'm listening to a Tom Waits bootleg performance of his 1999 concert at the Paramount Theater in Oakland. It's awesome, of course. I'm also reading my old
Love and Rockets
comics. Also made of awesome.
I worked for an hour and a half. Can I stop now? I wanna go home, even with the
soundtrack playing on my computer.
Unfortunately, I'm supposed to be cleaning my office. It is more organized, but it kind of looks like a hurricane hit.
libkitty, thanks, and, I also dislike painkillers and all sorts of opiate relaxants. I hate the fumble-mouth dizziness, and I always get a hangover. Flexeril was one of the worst. I can understand how people can get addicted to Valium, though. I like that stuff. If I had to get addicted, I'd pick that.
OK, I have wasted away most of the day (it helps that I have only been up for six hours) and really need to get my ass in gear, as I have clothing that needs to be laundered for a performance tonight, and my performance partner coming in three hours. Urp. Motivation, where are you??
This thread is really, really not aptly named.
Was there ever any doubt? I mean, for anything other than spoilers, pron, and ahemming?
Ooh. Maybe the THREAD ate all the motivation. It took all the motivation to get the thread a motivated name! That must be it! Evil thread. I shall glare at you until...I stop. Er.
Flexeril was one of the worst.
This is the only thing that doesn't bother me at all. I love Flexeril, and don't seem to have any bad side effects. That's the only one for me, though.
This thread is really, really not aptly named.
I've been thinking this for a while. But I couldn't get motivated to say anything about it.
Unfortunately, the only thing that does me any good is diazepam. Try telling a doctor you need Valium, but you're really truly not addicted to it. Apparently the word "need" means "junkie".
A friend in junkie is a friend who's spunky.