sj, I'm so glad you and teacup guy have one another.
Aimee, go for that rose dress. It is perfection on a stick curves.
That said, they've got the 2nd best Triple-A record in their league (in our town).
This news is made of awesome. Go Ben's team!
It is made of awesome, the first place team is undefeated (in both the regular season and the playoffs, so far), though. Scott says Ben's team can beat them, and they have come withing a hair of doing so, but honestly, I think the other team is just playing on another level.
Yay Ben! I know that winning isn't the most important thing in youth sports, but damn, losing all the time sucks.
Exactly. Ben grew a lot as a player last year, even though his team sucked, and we tried to emphasize that at the time, but after losing all but one game the whole season long, there's really no comfort to offer.
It's tricky though - the party lasts longer than I had expected - Noon until 4:30 or 5:00. And we've got our friends coming in from Sacramento at 3:00pm. Also, the party is in the East Bay so I've got to go over and go back to collect him after they arrive. And since they're off in Pleasanton for the lazertag, I can't just go and get him early after a sane 2 1/2 hours of birthday party. Hmph. Who schedules a 5 hour birthday party anyway?
That's just nuts. Just nuts. Are you sure there's not some sort of error with the invitation, Hec? Is there anyone from your neck of the woods you can carpool with? Who the heck would want to spend more than two hours with a group of ten year olds?
Woot! That is FG! I'm so glad he had better, more-dedicated teammates this year. Makes such a difference. I think that's one reason why Emmett likes the tournament team so much.
Two of his teammates this year were on his team last year, so it's nice to see it, for all three of them (and they're probably three who were most heartsick over last year's results). Last year, I'm not even sure they weren't dedicated, just a poor mix of kids. We used to say they were the all A.D.D. team.
Dh just called from Julia's ballgame (all three kids have games today, and Ben has another, tomorrow). One of his brothers was served with surprise divorce papers, when he got home from work. I'm just sitting here shaking my head.