My hometown (and where I was born) is Edinburgh, Scotland. My visit there at the end of May was like putting on a favourite shirt. I was instantly comfortable.
I don't have a place like this, or the way ita feels going back to Jamaica.
I've lived in San Francisco far longer than any place else in my life, and I do love it and it is home. But it's not hometown. It's the place where I became my adult self.
My child self places were all blown away in Hurricane Andrew.
insent to Ple.
Skipped about five brazillian messages to say that I am home, time in Michigan was wonderful, I am somewhat tanned, and am now acatchin' up on life before starting my new job tomorrow.
Welcome back, Aimee! You were missed. I am glad you had a good trip.
JZ woke me up this morning with a plaintive cry of "We're out of milk! Coffee! Cereal! The world's all gone pear-shaped!"
So I volunteered to get milk. Got dressed without showering or brushing my teeth to make the quick walk to the corner store.
It was closed. Trudged uphill to the small grocery with the good produce. Got milk, Calistoga, some ripe peaches, almond croissaint, chocolate croissant and the NY Times.
Today's Sunday Times was ripe with Buffista entertaining material. A whole big flibbertijibbet article about one young woman's online networking. (The woman was obviously self-aware enough to purposefully paint herself as a 21st century Emma.) The Dodgeball network sounded really interesting but also mildly scary.
Also Anime voice-over article with Full Metal Alchemist pictures. Edmund White's bat-themed vase. And a fashion spread that prompted this comment from me: "Hey, that Givenchy collection has many Jilli-esque touches. Uh, except for the rooster."
(Actually it turned out the rooster was on a Gaultier.)
Aimee and Nora both starting new jobs tomorrow? How exciting!
Be sure and eat a good breakfast, girls.
Soccer gonna kill me ded.
JZ woke me up this morning with a plaintive cry of "We're out of milk! Coffee! Cereal! The world's all gone pear-shaped!"
Soon, this will include diapers. At our house, if had included diet coke, I would have called out the National Guard.
It took me SEVEN phone calls to find one person to go see PotC with me. Do I smell?
No. You just live somewhere stupid, because it's too far away.
Welcome home, Aimee.
Good luck on your first days of new jobs, Nora and Aims.