JZ woke me up this morning with a plaintive cry of "We're out of milk! Coffee! Cereal! The world's all gone pear-shaped!"
Soon, this will include diapers. At our house, if had included diet coke, I would have called out the National Guard.
It took me SEVEN phone calls to find one person to go see PotC with me. Do I smell?
No. You just live somewhere stupid, because it's too far away.
Welcome home, Aimee.
Good luck on your first days of new jobs, Nora and Aims.
What Cindy said. I am ready to see it again; if you were closer, I would totally go with you.
Who's supposed to be working on the transporter technology?
Joe is. And with 5 days of no baby and no wife, you'd think he'd have gotten some work done.
I get the first one.
By virtue of being an oppressed minority with no driver's license.
But his astral body and yours were in my dream the other night so that might have fouled up research just a bit.
Is my astral body better than this one?
I don't know...I read in a book once that if you dream about somebody, their astral body visited you. But you looked good, though.