My hometown (and where I was born) is Edinburgh, Scotland. My visit there at the end of May was like putting on a favourite shirt. I was instantly comfortable. The place I grew up is somewhere I really have no desire to visit again. There were some good people there, but there was also so much small-mindedness and petty viciousness that I'm happy to let it go entire. The town I went to university is a great little town, and I enjoy visiting it whenever possible. And Toronto is home now. There is so much to like about this city, so much to see and do. The people are hard to get close to, so you kind of need to bring your own, but otherwise it is great.
And now, to watch the World Cup final. I'm a true neutral, but Allez Les Bleus! The tournament has been kind of consumptive of my spare time this last month, but I'm sorry it has come to an end. I love football and the global culture that attaches. Some friends are planning a trip to Austria for the European championships in 08, and are trying to drag me along. We'll see.
I need a dress for my parents' 50 anniversary party, which will be in August, at a fancypants dude ranch, near Tucson. What do people think of dress A or dress B
I'm a true neutral, but Allez Les Bleus!
Neither team have been high on my favorite lists, but I'm feeling a twinge of support for the Italian side of my heritage.
And now, to watch the World Cup final. I'm a true neutral, but Allez Les Bleus! The tournament has been kind of consumptive of my spare time this last month, but I'm sorry it has come to an end. I love football and the global culture that attaches.
JohnS is me, except (obviously) I'm far from neutral.
I was born about five miles from here.
The farthest I've lived from "home" as an adult was about 60 miles to the south.
I think this is mostly laziness and lack of drive on my part. I love Seattle, I understand Seattle, I know her to the marrow of my bones. I get cranky at newcomers who judge the city's introverted, passive-aggressive ways as somehow wrong and bad--we are a polite and suspicious people at heart here.
Man. Plei, you just described me and Cincinnati *perfectly.*
In a lot of ways, I don't think that home is where the heart is; nor do I think it's the place that you love. I think, like how Plei described Seattle, that home is the place that made you -- you understand it, and you understand yourself. It's like -- you know the rules of the game, to so speak. That's home.
Steph, someone emailed me this picspam, and even though I'm going to pillage it for my site, I thought you might like to have a look at the source.
Oh, holy cow. Damn. DAMN. That's impressive. And GUH. Thanks!
I like the cut of Dress A and the fabric for Dress B. I'm no help, am I?
Lee, I really like dress A.
As for a hometown, I guess I feel like that's the Chicago area for me. But, I feel most at home here in Boston. Love it here. Hoping I'm gonna love Roslidale just as much.
Also, sj, I got kicked off of AIM, so I didn't just disappear. Sorry! I'm trying to get back on, but having trouble.