And now, to watch the World Cup final. I'm a true neutral, but Allez Les Bleus! The tournament has been kind of consumptive of my spare time this last month, but I'm sorry it has come to an end. I love football and the global culture that attaches.
JohnS is me, except (obviously) I'm far from neutral.
I was born about five miles from here.
The farthest I've lived from "home" as an adult was about 60 miles to the south.
I think this is mostly laziness and lack of drive on my part. I love Seattle, I understand Seattle, I know her to the marrow of my bones. I get cranky at newcomers who judge the city's introverted, passive-aggressive ways as somehow wrong and bad--we are a polite and suspicious people at heart here.
Man. Plei, you just described me and Cincinnati *perfectly.*
In a lot of ways, I don't think that home is where the heart is; nor do I think it's the place that you love. I think, like how Plei described Seattle, that home is the place that made you -- you understand it, and you understand yourself. It's like -- you know the rules of the game, to so speak. That's home.
Steph, someone emailed me this picspam, and even though I'm going to pillage it for my site, I thought you might like to have a look at the source.
Oh, holy cow. Damn. DAMN. That's impressive. And GUH. Thanks!
I like the cut of Dress A and the fabric for Dress B. I'm no help, am I?
Lee, I really like dress A.
As for a hometown, I guess I feel like that's the Chicago area for me. But, I feel most at home here in Boston. Love it here. Hoping I'm gonna love Roslidale just as much.
Also, sj, I got kicked off of AIM, so I didn't just disappear. Sorry! I'm trying to get back on, but having trouble.
I like the color and cut of Dress A.
World Cup good. I have no declared favorite but a can't miss game. I accept bribes for my vibes. Offers?
I got back on AIM again, sent two IMs, then it quit on me again. I think I'm gonna give up for now.