Hubby's home. He feels pretty good, but at the moment that's the Lidocaine talking. We'll know if the other injections worked in a couple of days. I'm not celebrating just yet, because he's had other injections before that providing tremendous relief but which crapped out in a week.
It's not universal relief. Other little colonies of pain are raising their voices to be heard now that the big noise is shut down, plus the surrounding areas are still tightened up from coping with the mess. But he can tell the difference.
The staff were very nice and they kept asking if we had any questions. We've been blessed with the quality of the staff we've worked with. The trolls who decide what coverage we're entitled to, though, deserve to spend a year in Hubby's shoes. I hope no one here works for medical insurance decision makers, because I have little in the way of regard for such people.
We were given some information on spinal cord stimulation, which is an implanted electronic intereference generator. The idea of something implanted in Hubby wigs me out, but if it works . . .
More updates as I know them. Bless you all.
I frequently get that same "I don't belong here" vibe when I go back to the town where I grew up. Of course, most of the time that I was growing up, the rest of the kids made it pretty clear that I didn't belong there, so possibly that's not too surprising.
Also, just had to share my tagline. Quote from one of my students. This question then led to a rather spirited debate as to whether Pascal or Fibonacci was cooler.
FCM: Pascal, Fibonacci, Newton.
C Newton - afaict, he was an ass
M Fibonacci - came up with sexy sexy series, and successful import business
F Pascal - that triangle has to be worth a roll in the hay
Continuing to hope that this one works, connie.
I frequently get that same "I don't belong here" vibe
This describes my every day life.
Oh Fay. Le Bloke has a theory that the further we move towards the Meadowhall end of the city, the uglier people get. I think he might be right.
F Newton - he'd find some way to do an experiment during the process, which would be fun, but was a bit unstable. (for definitions of "bit" that mean "hella lot")
C Fibonacci - no real reason, just cuz
M Pascal - I'm sure I have reasons, somewhere
I frequently get that same "I don't belong here" vibe
I was singing along to "Creep" the other day and feeling angsty.
That was a beautiful piece of writing, Fay.