I can see their point, JZ, in that they are looking to train people to be the backbone of the company. It's funny, though, since they got my resume for an actuarial position, and they were the ones to suggest that I might be a good fit for underwriting.
Whatever. I got to go to the beach after my interview.
Health-ma for all Bitches and Bitch loved ones what needs it. I am about to start on some strong antibiotics, as not only did the dentist discover two teeth which need root canals, one of them has a raging infection. Bleagh. At least that explains the dull low-level headache I've been having 24/7 the last week or so.
Oh, ow! Glad you are getting it fixed, Robin.
painting. I forgot to put on gloves. which wouldn't have mattered , 'til I took the roller off for temporary storage. d'oh.
Ick. Quick fix ~ma Robin.
Two by two...
Well, K-Bug, her bf, and CJ have tickets for the 1pm showing of Pirates. Me, I'm stuck at work and get to give them a ride home when it is over. Jealous, much.
Oh! Random family bitching I forgot about.
I've been working for four months, and I'm not even a full-time employee yet, and my dad, while I was home, advised me to keep my eyes out for any other job opportunities, and my mom chimed in, "Somewhere closer to home," and GAH. It doesn't help that they still will not fucking let go of the fact that I got out of the research track. "Would you be making more money if you did the research? Is there room for advancement in what you're doing? Does your job relate to your pharmacology studies?" YES NO MAYBE SO STFU OMG.
After being WAY to busy to do anything with my Match.com profile for two months, I just got a REALLY nice e-mail from someone.
Oooooh, does he want to expedite the dating process?