I hope you can get the legal issues resolved and the car sold quickly.
Thanks. I really should have waited until the POA had arrived before even attemping to buy the new car, but I had the opportunity and...yeah. Impulse buyer much? Good think it's something I actually really wanted.
Oh, I think I was mireed in lurkerdom for some reason and never actually said: Suzi, I'm so sorry that you are burdened with so many other people's problems. I hope your husband can figure out how to not add to K-Bug's troubles.
That seems to happen with Priuses, Kristin. My parents had to go on the waiting list, but they did that on impule (and then bought a Honda Impulse to tide them over) and a friend of mine came home with a Prius after supposedly going to check prices.
Thanks, JZ. I'll pass that along. Very pretty picture!
I really should have waited until the POA had arrived before even attemping to buy the new car
The Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius Black, would have aided your attempt?
I just heard from my doctor. It seems I have a bladder infection. I am not showing any symptoms at the moment except for being very very very tired. This is not too unusual for me; I should have guessed something was up. Wish me energy~ma for finishing up school work tonight.
Energy-ma, sj. On the bright side, you've caught it before the wracking pain, yes?
Jen, if she really needs an evening gown - if it's a really formal wedding - here are a couple of places to look:
A pea in the pod has several long things: [link]
Nordstrom maternity dresses have some very nice classy cocktailish things but I don't see any eveningwear.
If $$ is an issue, Motherhood Maternity has a couple of long things plus some cocktail: [link]
Jen, tell her to be sure to check the sales racks at places like Mimi Maternity. I found a $98 dress for $19.95 that got me through two weddings.
Then there are the insane and hideous things one can find by googling "maternity formal wear": [link]