Or some other hot Buffista blonde. Like erika, or juliana in her blonde days.
Tep should include herself in that list, IJS.
You're sweet. I should have included YOU in that list, damn my brain!
I get that I'm pretty (or can be), but it's a total Sandra Dee, girl-next-door, girl scout cookie type of pretty. I will never be all darkly sexy and dangerous. One thing I ain't got is smoulder. Got lots of sunshine-y wholesomeness, but not one drop of smoulder.
Completely Shallow Porny Problem:
In general, Dallas the Dog is not a chewer. There is one ::ah-hehm::
personal exception to this.
A rather pricey personal exception which I left under my pillow this morning.
Damn, Tep. You made me blush now.
Stupid internets has got me thinking about the Tommy/Janet angry fuck on Rescue Me again. Am I being too forgiving because I like Leary and don't want to see him as a perpetrator or rapist? Or are the critics being too black and white?
but not one drop of smoulder.
Bull. I don't have photographic evidence, but I call bull.
One thing I ain't got is smoulder.
I have to disagree with this, I've seen several pictures where you are sexy and smouldery.
I think you are right to make her stay with this team. She needs to finish this. I am guessing if she does stick through a season or two with this team , she will be playing that much better. Honestly, going through this will make her see the difference between DH's dream and her reality. The last thing she needs is regrets about a possibility that may have never been there. As for Dh, he nees to look at the child that is there , not at the child he wants. It isn't evil on his part, plots of parents do it. and if K-bug had never gotten on this team , he may have never had to face it.but now he does, so it is hard on him too. But itis double hard on her, finding her own limits and dissapointing a parent at the same time . poor bug. poor mom
I get that I'm pretty (or can be), but it's a total Sandra Dee, girl-next-door, girl scout cookie type of pretty. I will never be all darkly sexy and dangerous. One thing I ain't got is smoulder. Got lots of sunshine-y wholesomeness, but not one drop of smoulder.
Teppy have you seen you?
I'm not bagging on me; just -- I know my strong points, and some people like the St. Pauli Girl look, is all. Theda Bara I ain't.
I think there are moments, Tep. Which is all I ever have either, except for the fact if I ever have a nasty thought I might as well take out an ad, for it's all over my face.